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Dr. Kavita Deshmukh

We are also the ones who provide the couples with the greatest and most competent IVF and surrogacy doctors to help them in having their own children.

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  • Monday - Friday

    7.00 am – 11.00 pm

  • Saturday

    8.00am – 6.00 pm

  • Sunday


  • Right Choice Fertility Centre, Dwarka, New Delhi, 10023
  • Mon-Sat: 9am to 6pm

Surrogacy Cost in Punjabi Bagh: Making Parenthood a Reality

Surrogacy has emerged as a transformative solution for individuals and couples struggling with infertility. Punjabi Bagh, a thriving neighborhood in Delhi, India, has gained recognition as a prominent destination for surrogacy, offering affordable and quality fertility treatments. This article explores the surrogacy cost in Punjabi Bagh and highlights why it is considered a favorable choice for those seeking to build a family through surrogacy.

We would like to inform you that surrogacy in India is now regulated by the new surrogacy law (2022), which only allows altruistic Punjabi Bagh . Our clinic has been providing successful surrogacy services in Varanasi for several years and we offer a guaranteed surrogacy package with 100% assurance of a healthy baby.

The cost of surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh typically ranges from 16 to 20 lakh, and we offer a free consultation with our experienced doctor and lawyer to help you understand the surrogacy process and the legal aspects involved.

We understand that surrogacy is a complex and emotional journey, and our team at Right Choice Fertility Centre is dedicated to providing personalized care and support to intended parents throughout the process.

To learn more about our surrogacy services or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at +91 9667213919 or email us at [email protected].

What conditions need surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh?

Surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh, like anywhere else, is typically sought by individuals or couples who face certain conditions or circumstances that make it difficult or impossible for them to conceive and carry a pregnancy themselves. Here are some common conditions that may lead individuals or couples to consider surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh:

Infertility: Individuals or couples who have been identified with infertility, which can be caused by means of a variety of elements such as scientific conditions, genetic disorders, or reproductive gadget abnormalities, might also choose for surrogacy. Surrogacy lets in them to have a baby genetically related to them by means of the use of their very own eggs and sperm. Surrogacy allows them to have a child genetically related to them by using their own eggs and sperm. Surrogacy allows them to have a child genetically related to them by using their own eggs and sperm.

Medical Conditions: Some people or couples may also have scientific conditions that make it risky for them to lift a being pregnant to term. This should consist of stipulations such as coronary heart disease, extreme diabetes, or positive autoimmune disorders. In such cases, using a surrogate can provide a safer alternative to protect the health of both the intended parents and the unborn child.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Individuals or couples who have skilled a couple of miscarriages or being pregnant losses may also flip to surrogacy as a way to keep away from similarly emotional and physical trauma. Surrogacy allows them to have a successful pregnancy and a higher chance of bringing a healthy baby into the world.

Single Individuals: Single individuals who desire to have a child biologically related to them may also consider surrogacy. Surrogacy provides them with the opportunity to become parents and experience the joys of raising a child.

It is important to note that each individual or couple’s situation is unique, and the decision to pursue surrogacy should be made in consultation with medical professionals and fertility experts. Additionally, the specific eligibility criteria for surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh may vary based on legal regulations and the policies of fertility clinics or agencies.

Surrogacy Cost in Punjabi Bagh
Surrogacy Cost in Punjabi Bagh

Cost of surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh

The cost of surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh, like in any other location, can vary depending on various factors. It is necessary to recognize that surrogacy includes more than one expenses, such as clinical procedures, legal fees, compensation for the surrogate, and different related costs.
While I do not have specific facts on modern-day expenses in Punjabi Bagh, I can supply you with a standard overview of the aspects that make contributions to the basic value of surrogacy.

Medical Expenses: TThis category encompasses all scientific methods worried in the surrogacy process, such as fertility treatments, in vitro fertilization (IVF), embryo transfer, prenatal care, and delivery.These methods involve costs for consultations, fertility medications, laboratory tests, ultrasounds, and different scientific examinations. The cost can vary depending on the complexity of the treatment required.

Surrogate Compensation: Surrogates play a vital role in the surrogacy journey, and they are typically compensated for their time, effort, and the physical and emotional demands of carrying a pregnancy. The surrogate’s compensation may include a base fee, which is a lump sum paid for the surrogacy journey, as well as additional expenses related to prenatal care, maternity clothing, and lost wages (if applicable).

Legal Fees: Surrogacy involves complex legal processes to establish the legal rights and obligations of all parties involved. The intended parents are responsible for covering the legal fees of their own attorney and the surrogate’s attorney. These fees can vary depending on the complexity of the surrogacy arrangement and the legal requirements in Punjabi Bagh.

Agency or Program Fees: Intended parents often work with surrogacy agencies or programs that provide support, guidance, and coordination throughout the surrogacy process. These agencies may charge program fees, which cover services such as matching the intended parents with a surrogate, psychological screening, background checks, and administrative support.

Additional Expenses: There may be other expenses to consider, such as travel and accommodation if the intended parents reside outside of Punjabi Bagh and need to travel for medical appointments or the birth of the child. Insurance coverage for the surrogate’s medical expenses and potential complications may also be an additional cost.

It is important to note that the cost of surrogacy can vary significantly depending on the specific circumstances, the chosen clinic or agency, and any additional services or requirements. It is advisable to consult with surrogacy professionals or fertility clinics in Punjabi Bagh to get accurate and up-to-date information regarding the cost of surrogacy and the services they offer.

Here is a table outlining the approximate costs for surrogacy at our clinic, which may be subject to change based on individual circumstances:

Surrogacy ProcessSurrogacy Package
Surrogacy with own eggs & own spermsINR 18-20 lakh
Surrogacy with donor eggs & own spermsINR 20 lakh
Surrogacy with donor sperms & own eggsINR 20 lakh
Surrogacy with Donor EmbryoINR 18-20 lakh
Cost of Surrogate Mother
Cost of IVF & Embryo TransferUp to INR 4 lakh
Surrogate mother selection, blood test, surrogate mother preparation (cost)Up to INR 1 lakh
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to INR 35,000
C-section delivery costUp to INR 1-2 lakhs
The surrogate mother stays and foodsUp to INR 2.5 lakhs
Surrogacy Cost in Punjabi Bagh
Surrogacy Cost in Punjabi Bagh

Insemination and IVF cost

In India, the legal framework only permits gestational surrogacy, which involves the intended parents providing their own eggs while the surrogate is not biologically related to the child. This type of surrogacy helps to avoid emotional complications and allows the intended parents to establish a strong bond with the child. When considering the cost of surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh, it is important to take into account any additional expenses that may arise if the couple requires a donor for either eggs or sperm.

Since the surrogate cannot contribute her own eggs for the pregnancy, the fertilized embryos need to be transferred to her uterus. The cost of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) system will depend on the complexity of the case and the particular necessities involved. Before proceeding with IVF, it is crucial to ensure that the surrogate receives proper nutrition and maintains good mental well-being, which is typically the responsibility of the intended couple. These expenses related to the surrogate’s well-being are typically covered by the intended parents.

Once the surrogate is deemed ready, the embryos are implanted into her uterus, and she will be carefully monitored inside a clinical facility till a tremendous being pregnant take a look at confirms the success of the procedure.

It is necessary for couples thinking about surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh or any different region to seek advice from with skilled authorities in the area who can supply correct and special statistics about the process, related costs, and legal aspects. Each surrogacy case is unique, and factors such as medical requirements, legal procedures, and any additional services needed can influence the overall cost. Therefore, it is advisable to seek guidance from reputable fertility clinics or surrogacy agencies in Punjabi Bagh to gain a comprehensive understanding of the expenses involved in the surrogacy journey.

Factors Affecting Surrogacy Cost in Punjabi Bagh

  1. Medical Procedures and Treatments: The surrogacy process entails various medical procedures such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF), embryo transfer, prenatal care, and delivery. The cost of these treatments can vary based on individual circumstances, including the need for additional medical interventions.
  2. Surrogate Compensation: Surrogate mothers receive compensation for their invaluable contribution, covering medical expenses, living costs, and a base fee. The surrogate’s compensation is an essential component of the overall surrogacy cost and can vary based on factors like the surrogate’s experience and the terms agreed upon.
  3. Legal and Administrative Expenses: Surrogacy involves legal procedures, contracts, and administrative tasks to ensure the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. These legal and administrative costs contribute to the overall surrogacy cost.
  4. Agency Fees: Many intended parents choose to work with surrogacy agencies or clinics to facilitate the process. These agencies provide services such as matching intended parents with suitable surrogates, coordinating medical procedures, and offering emotional support. Agency fees are an additional aspect to consider when calculating the overall surrogacy cost.

Leave it with the experts

At Right Choice Fertility, our aim is not just to work for you but to work with you, ensuring the happiness you seek. We understand the importance of finding the best fertility clinic that meets your needs, and that is why we prioritize your satisfaction. Our team of experienced experts at Right Choice Fertility is dedicated to guiding your case in the most effective way possible. Our results speak for themselves, with a proven track record of successful cases and an impressive success rate of up to 95%. From the second you have your first consultation with us, you will sense the reassurance and self assurance wanted to embark on this experience toward parenthood. With our especially knowledgeable medical specialists and brand new technology, we provide the fantastic costs and make us the top choice for surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh.

We firmly believe that just because your body is unable to give birth, it should not hinder your dream of becoming parents. At Right Choice Fertility, we have helped numerous couples overcome their monetary limitations to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. Our team of highly praised and proficient doctors, combined with our dedicated technical team, enables us to provide the lowest cost of surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh. Leave behind any doubts and worries as you walk out of our clinic with our experts by your side, ready to embark on this bittersweet journey of parenting that you have long awaited.


Surrogacy cost in Punjabi Bagh presents an affordable and viable fertility choice for individuals and couples struggling with infertility. The combination of accessible medical treatments, favorable legal regulations, and the availability of experienced professionals makes Punjabi Bagh an appealing destination for surrogacy. However, it is essential for intended


Q1: What factors contribute to the cost of surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh?

A: The cost of surrogacy in Punjabi Bagh is influenced by several factors, including medical expenses, surrogate compensation, legal and administrative costs, and agency fees. These components vary based on individual circumstances and the specific requirements of the surrogacy process.

Q2: How do medical expenses affect the overall cost of surrogacy?

A: Medical expenses include procedures such as IVF, prenatal care, and childbirth. The cost may vary depending on the medical treatments and interventions necessary for the successful surrogacy journey.

Q3: What does surrogate compensation entail?

A: Surrogate compensation includes the surrogate mother’s fees, which cover her medical expenses, living expenses, and a base fee for carrying and delivering the child. The compensation may differ based on factors such as the surrogate’s experience, location, and agency fees.

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