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Dr. Kavita Deshmukh

We are also the ones who provide the couples with the greatest and most competent IVF and surrogacy doctors to help them in having their own children.

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These are our normal opening hours. When we are closed can be found here.

  • Monday - Friday

    7.00 am – 11.00 pm

  • Saturday

    8.00am – 6.00 pm

  • Sunday


  • Right Choice Fertility Centre, Dwarka, New Delhi, 10023
  • Mon-Sat: 9am to 6pm

Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman: Affordable Solutions for Your Journey

Nestled in the heart of West Bengal, the city of Bardhaman has emerged as a focal point for individuals and couples embarking on the transformative journey of surrogacy. Steeped in a vibrant cultural tapestry, Bardhaman provides a unique backdrop for the pursuit of parenthood, attracting those in search of a compassionate and comprehensive approach to surrogacy. In this enchanting city, Right Choice Fertility stands tall as a beacon of hope, dedicated to guiding families through the complexities of surrogacy with unwavering commitment and expertise.

This extensive article serves as a guiding light, aiming to unravel the intricacies of surrogacy costs in Bardhaman. The journey towards parenthood through surrogacy is marked by numerous factors that collectively contribute to the overall expenses involved. From medical procedures and surrogate compensation to legal fees and administrative expenses, understanding these components is paramount for those considering surrogacy in Bardhaman.

In the midst of the heap of choices accessible, Right Choice Fertility separates itself as the exemplification of greatness in the domain of surrogacy. With a guarantee to transparency, compassionate consideration, and a patient-driven approach, the center furnishes planned guardians with a reasonable comprehension of the financial responsibilities related with surrogacy. In Bardhaman, our overarching objective is to equip individuals and couples with the information they need to make well-informed choices on their path to parenthood as we examine the many facets of surrogacy costs.

Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman
Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman

Understanding Surrogacy in Bardhaman

Surrogacy in Bardhaman is a transformative journey for couples seeking parenthood. Guided by ethical practices and cutting-edge medical solutions, the process involves a gestational carrier, or surrogate mother, carrying a child on behalf of intended parents. Right Choice Fertility, a trusted ally in this endeavor, facilitates a seamless experience, navigating legal, medical, and emotional dimensions. The clinic prioritizes transparency in surrogacy costs, encompassing medical procedures, surrogate compensation, legal fees, and administrative expenses.

With state-of-the-art facilities for procedures like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Bardhaman emerges as a hub for affordable and high-quality surrogacy services. Beyond the financial aspect, Right Choice Fertility focuses on the emotional well-being of all involved parties, offering counseling services and support groups. As Bardhaman evolves into a center for reproductive medicine, Right Choice Fertility stands at the forefront, empowering dreams and fostering the joy of parenthood.

Surrogacy Process in Bardhaman

Surrogacy, a transformative journey towards parenthood, is facilitated with care and precision at reputable clinics such as Right Choice Fertility in Bardhaman. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the surrogacy process:

Initial Consultation

The journey begins with an initial consultation at Right Choice Fertility. Intended parents meet with experienced fertility specialists to discuss their medical history, assess eligibility, and understand the surrogacy process.

Comprehensive Medical Evaluation

Both intended parents and potential surrogates undergo thorough medical evaluations. These assessments include fertility tests, health screenings, and genetic evaluations to ensure a clear understanding of the medical aspects and increase the chances of a successful surrogacy journey.

Surrogate Selection

Right Choice Fertility takes a meticulous approach to surrogate selection. Potential surrogates are screened for physical health, mental well-being, and their ability to commit to the surrogacy journey. Compatibility with the intended parents is also considered.

Legal Consultation and Contracts

Legal experts at the clinic guide intended parents and surrogates through the legal aspects of surrogacy. Comprehensive contracts are drafted, outlining the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved, ensuring a transparent and legally sound process.

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Embryo Transfer

The surrogate and intended parents synchronize their menstrual cycles through medications. Eggs from the intended mother or a donor are fertilized with sperm to create embryos. A selected embryo is then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus, typically through IVF procedures.

Prenatal Care and Support

Once pregnancy is confirmed, the surrogate receives comprehensive prenatal care from Right Choice Fertility. Regular medical check-ups, monitoring of fetal development, and emotional support are integral parts of this phase, ensuring the surrogate’s well-being.

Birth and Postnatal Care

As the due date approaches, arrangements are made for the birth. Right Choice Fertility ensures a smooth transition, providing support to both the surrogate and intended parents. Postnatal care for the surrogate is prioritized, promoting her physical and emotional recovery.

Legal Parental Rights

Following the birth, legal processes are finalized to establish the intended parents as the legal guardians of the child. Right Choice Fertility facilitates this crucial step, ensuring a seamless transition of parental rights.

Emotional and Psychological Support

All through the surrogacy cycle, surrogacy process, Right Choice Fertility on profound and mental help. Guiding support are accessible to both expected guardians and substitutes, cultivating a steady climate for every single included party.

Celebrating New Beginnings

The surrogacy journey culminates full circle in the blissful festival of another life. Right Choice Fertility takes pride in witnessing the birth of a child in the arms of its intended parents as a dream come true.

In Bardhaman, the surrogacy process at Right Choice Fertility joins clinical greatness with moral works on, guaranteeing an empathetic and steady climate for planned guardians and substitutes the same. The excursion towards life as a parent is customized, transparent, and directed by a pledge to sustaining the dreams about making cherishing families.

Importance of Surrogacy Treatment in Bardhaman

Surrogacy treatment in Bardhaman has emerged as a transformative option for couples facing challenges on the path to parenthood. In the heart of West Bengal, where tradition and progress coalesce, the significance of surrogacy becomes evident. This article explores the profound importance of surrogacy treatment in Bardhaman, shedding light on how it serves as a ray of hope for those dreaming of creating or expanding their families.

1. Addressing Infertility Challenges: Surrogacy treatment plays a crucial role in addressing infertility challenges faced by couples. Bardhaman, with its growing prominence in reproductive medicine, provides a nurturing environment for couples to explore advanced fertility treatments. Surrogacy becomes a viable solution when natural conception or other assisted reproductive technologies prove unsuccessful.

2. Providing a Path to Parenthood: For many couples, surrogacy opens a new and promising path to parenthood. Whether due to medical conditions, age-related factors, or other complexities, surrogacy offers a realistic and attainable avenue for couples to fulfill their dreams of having children. Bardhaman, with its expanding healthcare infrastructure, becomes a beacon for those seeking this specialized form of assisted reproduction.

3. Inclusivity and Diversity: Surrogacy treatment in Bardhaman fosters inclusivity and embraces diverse family structures. It accommodates couples who may face challenges such as same-sex couples, single individuals, or those with medical conditions that hinder natural conception. The acceptance and support provided by the local community contribute to creating a more inclusive and understanding environment for all aspiring parents.

4. Advanced Medical Expertise: Bardhaman has witnessed significant advancements in medical expertise, and surrogacy treatment is no exception. Fertility clinics in the region, including specialized centers like Right Choice Fertility, leverage cutting-edge technologies and experienced professionals to ensure the highest standards of care. The city’s commitment to medical progress underscores its role as a hub for surrogacy treatments.

5. Emotional and Psychological Support: Surrogacy treatment in Bardhaman recognizes the emotional and psychological aspects of the journey to parenthood. Fertility clinics in the region, such as Right Choice Fertility, offer comprehensive support services, including counseling and emotional guidance. Acknowledging the emotional challenges that can accompany fertility treatments, Bardhaman provides a supportive environment for intended parents and surrogates alike.

6. Ethical and Transparent Practices: The importance of ethical and transparent surrogacy practices cannot be overstated. Bardhaman, with its emphasis on upholding ethical standards, ensures that surrogacy treatments are conducted with integrity and respect for all parties involved. Fertility clinics like Right Choice Fertility prioritize transparency in communication, providing clarity on processes, costs, and legal aspects.

7. Community Awareness and Acceptance: In Bardhaman, treatment for surrogacy helps raise community awareness and acceptance. Instructive drives, outreach projects, and coordinated efforts between fertility clinics and neighborhood associations help destigmatize infertility and surrogacy. The growing awareness cultivates a more steady and understanding local area climate for people and couples going through surrogacy medicines.

8. Tailored Solutions for Unique Cases: Each ripeness venture is novel, and surrogacy treatment in Bardhaman perceives this variety. Fertility clinics, particularly specialized centers like Right Choice Fertility, offer customized answers for each case. The customized approach guarantees that the treatment plan lines up with the particular necessities, conditions, and yearnings of expected guardians.

9. Fostering Dreams of Parenthood: At last, the significance of surrogacy treatment in Bardhaman lies in its capacity to cultivate dreams of life as a parent. It offers those who have failed in their attempts to have children a measurable and efficient solution. Many hopeful parents are able to realize their dream of starting or growing a family as a result of Bardhaman’s dedication to reproductive health.

Surrogacy treatment in Bardhaman is a crucial and transformative option for couples and individuals trying to become parents. The city’s developing standing in regenerative medication, combined with the moral practices and backing given by fertility clinics like Right Choice Fertility, highlights the meaning of surrogacy in tending to fruitlessness challenges. As Bardhaman keeps on developing into a center for helped regenerative innovations, the significance of surrogacy treatment turns out to be progressively obvious, offering trust and satisfying the dreams of parenthood for many.

Factors Influencing Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman

  • Medical Procedures and Screening: The complexity and thoroughness of medical procedures and screening for both the surrogate and intended parents significantly influence surrogacy costs in Bardhaman. These include health assessments, genetic testing, and fertility treatments.
  • Surrogate Compensation: Fair and ethical compensation for the surrogate is a crucial factor in surrogacy costs. The level of compensation reflects the commitment and dedication of the surrogate throughout the surrogacy journey.
  • Legal Fees and Contracts: The legal framework surrounding surrogacy necessitates the drafting and review of contracts, adding legal fees to the overall cost. Ensuring compliance with legal requirements contributes to the transparency and security of the surrogacy process.
  • Administrative Expenses: Coordination of clinical arrangements, legitimate cycles, and generally the board of the surrogacy journey causes regulatory costs. A coordinated and consistent cycle is indispensable for the progress of surrogacy and adds to the general expense.
  • Embryo Transfer and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Procedures: Surrogacy costs are significantly influenced by advanced assisted reproductive technologies like IVF and embryo transfer. Cutting edge offices for these methods add to the general progress of the surrogacy journey.
  • Prenatal and Postnatal Care: The surrogate requires comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care. Medical care and support throughout the pregnancy are essential to the costs of surrogacy and contribute to the surrogate’s well-being.
  • Choice of Surrogacy Clinic: The decision of a surrogacy facility in Bardhaman assumes a vital part in deciding expenses. Services, success rates, and package inclusions may vary between clinics. A clinic that meets their needs, preferences, and financial constraints must be carefully considered by intended parents.
  • Financial Counseling and Support: The accessibility of financial guiding and support services is urgent for overseeing surrogacy costs. In order to ensure that financial considerations do not impede the journey to parenthood, it is essential to collaborate with intended parents to investigate financing options, insurance coverage, and government assistance programs.

Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman

Surrogacy costs in Bardhaman, guided by Right Choice Fertility, offer an affordable and comprehensive pathway to parenthood. With a range typically falling between $50,000 to $80,000, the city emerges as an economically viable yet high-quality destination for surrogacy services. Right Choice Fertility ensures transparency in its cost structures, covering medical procedures, surrogate compensation, legal fees, and administrative expenses within the specified range.

The cost breakdown includes meticulous medical procedures and screenings, prioritizing the health and well-being of both the surrogate and intended parents. Surrogate compensation is ethically handled, acknowledging the invaluable commitment of the surrogate throughout the journey. Legal fees, covering contract drafting and review, and administrative expenses for seamless coordination contribute to the overall affordability of surrogacy in Bardhaman.

Right Choice Fertility’s commitment to a patient-centric approach is underscored by financial counseling and support services, ensuring that the dream of parenthood remains within reach. With high success rates, transparent cost structures, and a focus on emotional well-being, surrogacy costs in Bardhaman, guided by Right Choice Fertility, stand as a testament to the clinic’s dedication to making the transformative journey to parenthood accessible and fulfilling.

Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman: Surrogacy Treatment Table

Cost ComponentEstimated Range
Medical Procedures and Screenings$15,000 – $20,000
Surrogate Compensation$25,000 – $35,000
Legal Fees and Contracts$5,000 – $7,000
Administrative Expenses$3,000 – $5,000
Embryo Transfer and IVF Procedures$10,000 – $15,000
Prenatal and Postnatal Care$7,000 – $10,000
Miscellaneous Expenses$5,000 – $8,000
Total Estimated Cost Range$50,000 – $80,000

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Navigating surrogacy involves careful attention to legal and ethical considerations. Right Choice Fertility in Bardhaman prioritizes a robust legal framework, ensuring all parties’ rights and responsibilities are clearly defined through meticulously drafted contracts. Ethical practices are at the forefront, with fair surrogate compensation and a commitment to the well-being of all involved.

The clinic adheres to local and international surrogacy regulations, fostering transparency in processes. By integrating legal safeguards and ethical principles, Right Choice Fertility aims to provide intended parents with a secure and morally sound surrogacy journey, reinforcing trust and integrity in every step toward realizing the dream of parenthood.

Success Stories and Testimonials: A Tapestry of Hope and Joy

Within the halls of Right Choice Fertility, success stories and heartfelt testimonials weave a tapestry of hope and joy. Each story represents a unique journey, a testament to the clinic’s unwavering commitment to realizing dreams of parenthood. The threads of hope intertwine with the expertise, compassion, and support provided by Right Choice Fertility, creating a vibrant tapestry where joy blossoms from the seeds of perseverance. These narratives echo the triumph of families over adversity, encapsulating the profound impact of Right Choice Fertility in nurturing the aspirations and fostering the happiness of those who have embarked on the transformative path to parenthood.

Why Choose Right Choice Fertility For Surrogacy Treatment?

Choosing the right fertility clinic for surrogacy treatment is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success and overall experience of the journey to parenthood. Right Choice Fertility stands out as a preferred option for several compelling reasons:

  • Expertise and Experience: Right Choice Fertility boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals in the field of reproductive medicine. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that intended parents receive the highest quality care throughout the surrogacy process.
  • Comprehensive Services: Right Choice Fertility provides a comprehensive range of services encompassing all aspects of the surrogacy journey. From initial consultations and medical procedures to legal guidance and emotional support, the clinic offers a one-stop solution for individuals and couples seeking surrogacy as a means to achieve parenthood.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: The clinic prioritizes the well-being of intended parents and surrogates through a patient-centric approach. Right Choice Fertility understands the emotional and physical challenges associated with surrogacy and offers personalized care plans, counseling services, and support groups to ensure a positive and empathetic experience for all parties involved.
  • Transparent Communication: Clear and transparent communication is a cornerstone of the services provided by Right Choice Fertility. The clinic believes in keeping intended parents and surrogates well-informed at every step of the process, including the associated costs. This commitment to openness builds trust and confidence among individuals seeking surrogacy services.
  • Legal Expertise: Navigating the legal parts of surrogacy is an intricate endeavor. Right Choice Fertility has a team of lawyers who help intended parents and surrogates navigate the legal requirements, make sure they follow local laws, and protect everyone’s rights. This lawful skill adds an additional layer of safety to the surrogacy cycle.
  • Success Rates: Right Choice Fertility values high achievement rates in helped regenerative advances, including surrogacy. The clinic’s track record of successful pregnancies and favorable outcomes demonstrates its dedication to excellence and the high standard of care it offers to its patients.
  • Ethical Practices: Ethics and integrity are fundamental values upheld by Right Choice Fertility. The center sticks to moral practices in all parts of surrogacy, including fair remuneration for substitutes, transparent correspondence, and a guarantee to the prosperity of all gatherings included. This moral establishment Right Choice Fertility separated as a dependable and capable decision for surrogacy treatment.
  • Counseling and Emotional Support: Recognizing the emotional challenges that might go with the surrogacy venture, Right Choice Fertility offers directing administrations and basic encouragement to expected guardians and proxies the same. This comprehensive methodology tends to the mental parts of the interaction, advancing a positive and strong climate.

In Additions, Right Choice Fertility emerges as a favored objective for surrogacy therapy because of its mix of clinical skill, far medical expertise, comprehensive services, and a patient-driven approach. Planned guardians can share their excursion with life as a parent to a facility that focuses on their prosperity and tries to make the surrogacy experience as smooth and positive as could be expected.

Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman
Surrogacy Cost in Bardhaman


Embarking on the transformative journey to parenthood through surrogacy cost in Bardhaman brings forth a myriad of emotions, decisions, and considerations. In this intricate landscape, Right Choice Fertility emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a unique blend of medical expertise, compassion, transparency, and a steadfast commitment to holistic care. As prospective parents navigate the delicate terrain of surrogacy costs in Bardhaman, the unwavering dedication of Right Choice Fertility shines through, providing not just accessible but also high-quality surrogacy services.

At Right Choice Fertility, the ethos extends beyond clinical excellence. It encompasses a profound understanding of the emotional and psychological facets of the surrogacy journey. With transparency woven into the fabric of their approach, the clinic ensures that intended parents are well-informed about the financial commitments involved. This commitment to clarity empowers couples and individuals to make informed decisions, fostering trust and confidence as they step into the realm of surrogacy in Bardhaman.

As Bardhaman develops into a center point for conceptive medication, Right Choice Fertility remains at the front, having an enduring effect on the existences of those longing for extending their families. The center’s devotion to giving available, humane, and excellent surrogacy services sets its situation as the best decision for those leaving on the phenomenal and profoundly private excursion to life as a parent in this socially rich city.


1. What is the average cost range for surrogacy services in Bardhaman?

The average cost of surrogacy services in Bardhaman typically ranges from $50,000 to $80,000. This includes various components such as medical procedures, surrogate compensation, legal fees, and administrative expenses.

2. How does the surrogacy cost in Bardhaman compare to other cities or countries?

Bardhaman offers competitive surrogacy costs compared to many other cities and countries. While costs may vary globally, Bardhaman stands out as an affordable yet quality destination for surrogacy services.

3. What factors contribute to the overall variation in surrogacy costs in Bardhaman?

Several factors contribute to the variation in surrogacy costs in Bardhaman, including medical procedures, surrogate compensation, legal requirements, and additional services. Understanding these factors helps intended parents make informed decisions.

4. Are there financing options available to assist in managing surrogacy costs in Bardhaman?

Yes, many surrogacy clinics in Bardhaman offer financing options to assist intended parents in managing the costs effectively. Exploring these options is essential for those seeking financial support during their surrogacy journey.

5. How does the legal framework impact surrogacy costs in Bardhaman?

Legal procedures and requirements in Bardhaman influence surrogacy costs. Costs associated with legal consultations, drafting contracts, and ensuring legal compliance are essential components of the overall surrogacy expenses.

6. What role does the choice of a surrogacy clinic play in determining costs in Bardhaman?

The choice of a surrogacy clinic in Bardhaman significantly influences costs. Different clinics may offer varied services, success rates, and package inclusions. Prospective parents should carefully evaluate and choose a clinic that aligns with their preferences and budget while maintaining high medical standards.

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